The City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society

Life's A Ukafrolic! Follow the ukulele adventures of the Ukulele Lady, Lesley Fowkes

The George Formby Society Facebook page

Yorkshire Ukulele Circle - Meeting and playing together for over 49 years

Charters and Caldicott - A classic British comedy duo

Josef Locke - The only website dedicated to the brilliant Irish tenor

Dedicated to the song writing talent of Fred Godfrey

Check one of the liveliest GFS branches The Stourbridge Branch

One of the best players in the GFS - Andy Eastwood

Go to Andy’s Ukulele Market

Ralph Shaw - The King Of The Ukulele

Great sounds on the Past Perfect recording label

One of the greatest motorcycle events in the world and George won it! The TT Races

The Max Miller Appreciation Society

The Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum

Ukulele Diner

Read all about a GFS legend - The World of Kevin Daly

Alan ‘Uke’ Harris

Arthur Lloyd - The Music Hall and Theatre History site

Coventry Hippodrome Show Archive

The Gracie Fields Society

Al Bowlly

Look at Jack Hylton's official website - a lovely listenable real audio discog - excellent!

"It's Not Just Michael Powell" A site dedicated to British films of the 30's, 40's & 50's

Brit Movie - a site dedicated to classic British films

BFI Screen Online

Radio Echoes - wonder down memory lane

Whirligig - British TV Nostalgia

Read about George Formby’s racing career penned by retired GFS committee member Neil Forshaw in The Eclipse magazine

The Radio Times Archive

Desert Island Discs Archive

Memory Lane - A magazine to remember the music of the 30's and 40's.

Free Guitar and Ukulele chords at lyrics at Chordie Richard G’s Ukulele Songbook Jim’s Ukulele Songbook The Lost Laugh The Big Red Book The British Dance Band Encyclopaedia Ukulele Society of Great Britain The Argyle Theatre Remembered - Facebook page Royal Variety Performance Read about George in Film Fun

The City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society

Life's A Ukafrolic! Follow the ukulele adventures of the Ukulele Lady,

Lesley Fowkes

The George Formby Society Facebook page

Yorkshire Ukulele Circle - Meeting and playing together for over 49


Charters and Caldicott - A classic British comedy duo

Josef Locke - The only website dedicated to the brilliant Irish tenor

Dedicated to the song writing talent of Fred Godfrey

Check one of the liveliest GFS branches The Stourbridge Branch

One of the best players in the GFS - Andy Eastwood

Go to Andy’s Ukulele Market

Ralph Shaw - The King Of The Ukulele

Great sounds on the Past Perfect recording label

One of the greatest motorcycle events in the world and George won

it! The TT Races

The Max Miller Appreciation Society

The Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum

Ukulele Diner

Read all about a GFS legend - The World of Kevin Daly

Alan ‘Uke’ Harris

Arthur Lloyd - The Music Hall and Theatre History site

Coventry Hippodrome Show Archive

The Gracie Fields Society

Al Bowlly

Look at Jack Hylton's official website - a lovely listenable real audio

discog - excellent!

"It's Not Just Michael Powell" A site dedicated to British films of the

30's, 40's & 50's

Brit Movie - a site dedicated to classic British films

BFI Screen Online

Radio Echoes - wonder down memory lane

Whirligig - British TV Nostalgia

Read about George Formby’s racing career penned by retired GFS committee member Neil Forshaw in The Eclipse magazine

The Radio Times Archive

Desert Island Discs Archive

Memory Lane - A magazine to remember the music of the 30's and


Free Guitar and Ukulele chords at lyrics at Chordie Richard G’s Ukulele Songbook Jim’s Ukulele Songbook The Lost Laugh The Big Red Book The British Dance Band Encyclopaedia Ukulele Society of Great Britain The Argyle Theatre Remembered - Facebook page Royal Variety Performance Read about George in Film Fun
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