For the first time since September 2021 we were back in the much
larger Lancastrian Suite for our first convention of 2024. A much
larger room to fill but the members turned up and proved once again
that The George Formby Society continues its progress in rebuilding
after the vagaries of the pandemic and all the other issues in the
outside world.
Just under two hundred members attended on Saturday with the
stage for the unique GFS Thrash sessions and photograph,
overflowing. So once again, the meeting in Blackpool’s Imperial
Hotel was off to a flying start.
Members were rolling up all morning and by the designated start
time for the first concert, the room was filling nicely and there was no
shortage of performers waiting to sing their two songs supported by
the GFS band of Matthew Richards on keyboard, Steve Thomas on
bass and Dale Norman in his usual place as our resident drummer.
Performing members from the four corners of the UK then
proceeded to entertain throughout the afternoon. Sadly, Cathy
Staniland was unable to attend this weekend owing to illness and
her highly popular wooden ukulele tuition class was therefore
postponed until the June meeting.
A new feature of the Lancastrian Suite was a well stocked bar in the
room that is usually used for banjo-ukulele sales, saving members
the long corridor walk down to the Imperial Bar.
The first of the weekends two films was shown on the brand new
projector operated by cinema manager Jim Makin. The ever popular
Spare A Copper was enjoyed by a healthy attendance of Formby
cinemagoers who must have seen all the films countless times but
never fail to turn up and show their appreciation for the efforts of
George and his twenty films. We may all know these films so well
but the fact that we show two every weekend confirms the fact that
George Formby is still with us and will always be remembered on
our Blackpool weekends.
Whilst the meetings in Blackpool are always joyous occasions, this
one was tinged with sadness over the loss of dear Kitty Barrett and
in the evening after the cinema, Honorary member Dale Norman
read some words written after it was learned of Kitty’s loss. The
members warmly applauded and stood in the memory of Kitty and
also Glynn Mitchell who also recently passed away. Glynn of course
was responsible for the design of the GFS Lamp Post badge/logo.
We then moved on quite appropriately to announce the results of
Kitty’s Raffle, organised now by Kathryn Pollard and her team this
weekend of Helen Weathers, Lynn Raybould and Christine Richards.
Grateful thanks to all these ladies who together raised a very
impressive two hundred and eighty pounds for the GFS.
Kathryn Pollard and Nicki Sinclair-Smith had been kept busy
throughout the afternoon in running The GFS Shop and again,
helping to ensure that the vital funds are directed by our generous
members to support our wonderful group. Christine Kershaw is also
always on hand to help out wherever the need is greatest, Christine
is another great lady supporter of the GFS.
Before the musical entertainment could start, there was another very
important duty for President Andrew Poppleton when he invited
thirty-year-member and photographer/writer Gill Walley onto the
stage to receive a very well deserved Honorary Membership.
Further evidence of the important and vital role lady members
always endeavour to play in raising monies to benefit our
organisation. Gill has for many years, worked in tangent with the
GFS shop, creating framed photos, fridge magnets, calenders and
numerous other items and has always had a table available for
member to pay a voluntary contribution and take the glossy prints of
the countless images that Gill takes at the previous convention.
Gill of course is wife to much-loved founder and Honorary member
John who looked on proudly as Gill received her award and the
audience warmly applauded to register their approval.
Definitely an Honorary membership award really well earned.
It must never be forgotten that the weekends in Blackpool are
organised by many, not just committee members but the visiting
members also do their best to assist wherever they are needed.
The band of course are always at the forefront of every meeting in
Blackpool and are always appreciated by all. The lads are on stage
for most of the time that the concerts are running and their musical
knowledge is awesome. The ladies and gents who announce the
artists must take a bow, they are ever ready to entertain and
introduce and it all makes for a very professional show. Thanks this
weekend to John Walley, Frances Lister, Stuart Lowther, Andrew
Higham, Andrew Poppleton Jon Baddeley and Jim Makin who all did
their best to entertain and add extra quality to the efforts of the many
One other young man who deserves a special mention is thirteen-
year-old Charlie Evered who took charge of the Sunday morning
concert. He handled his job of Master of Ceremonies with aplomb
and experience beyond his years. While Charlie entertained on
stage, mum and dad Jeremy and Karen were selling Uke Raffle
tickets. This family only attended their first convention last
September but are already blending themselves into Formby Society
fabric quite nicely, thank you very much.
Charlie already has a vast knowledge of the who, what and when of
the world of George Formby and our Society. He reminded us all of
the fact that our opening convention day coincided with the day that
legendary and never-to-be forgotten President Dennis Taylor passed
away on 16 March 2011.
He then proceeded to play Dennis’ favourite Riding In The TT Races
with two solos and using the chords for the second solo that Dennis
would always use. Just to round this off nicely, Charlie was also
using the Ludwig instrument that is always associated with Dennis.
Already Charlie is a convention favourite and his playing skills in the
short time he has enjoyed membership are nothing short of stunning.
Another special moment enjoyed by all was when veteran member
Colin Bourdiec took to the stage. Colin has been seriously ill for quite
some time but he was back in good health to entertain and his
interpretation of Noel Gay’s All Over The Place was just brilliant, not
just his singing but his dancing as well ensured that it was one of the
performances of the weekend.
One gentleman who enjoys great popularity with his audience and
was elected to the committee for the first time last September is
Yorkshire man Bruce Cox. As well as playing and entertaining, Bruce
literally was, all over the place, concert organising and fulfilling any
role where he was needed. This is exactly what a good
member/committee man does, without needing to be asked. Great
work Bruce!
On a personal note, I ended up missing most of Sunday night as I
was stricken with the same virus that kept Cathy Staniland from
coming to Blackpool but I still had the best of weekends. I was told
that it was a very good Sunday night concert expertly and
entertainingly compèred by Jim Makin.
a special guest
I was delighted to greet on Saturday afternoon, one member who, as
well as being an honorary member, is also to many regarded as one
of the greatest members in the George Formby Society’s history. I
refer to none other than Dickie Speake who turned up unexpectedly
just to enjoy the Saturday afternoon atmosphere, but also to donate
two more valuable instruments for the benefit of the Society. The
instruments were an Abbott and a lovely Keech wooden ukulele.
Dickie of course also donated his main Abbott instrrument to the
Society last September.
Dickie Speake was Musical Director for many years as well as
serving on the committee as Vice-President. Dickie and his keyboard
were the first person to make backing tracks popular and many
(including myself, always play to Dickie’s recorded backing.
a ludwig chat
Another nice feature of the weekend was a fascinating talk on
Ludwig instruments with a table full of fine and unusual examples.
Presenters were Lewis Clifton, Andy Poppleton, and John Walley
and even I got to say a few words about Dennis Taylor's Ludwig and
the mysterious 'JC' on the peg-head.
The talk took place in one of the Imperial side rooms and is always
well supported.
Believe me when I say that for anyone remotely interested in George
Formby and his music, there is nowhere in the world that can
compete with a Blackpool George Formby Convention in the
Imperial Hotel.
I urge all members to be in Blackpool on June 01-02 and I promise
you the weekend you will never forget.
Peter Pollard - 24/03/2024
gfs march 2024