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Nominated family members
Nominated Family Members. This form has room for 3 NFMs. If you need more, please print and complete each form. First Name__________________________________Surname_________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Country______________________________Postcode_________________ Date of Birth___________ Relationship to Full Member________________________________ First Name__________________________________Surname_________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Country______________________________Postcode_________________ Date of Birth___________ Relationship to Full Member________________________________ First Name__________________________________Surname_________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Country______________________________Postcode_________________ Date of Birth___________ Relationship to Full Member________________________________ Members paying full subscription may have as many Nominated Family Members as they wish. Nominated Family Members:- a) will each pay a reduced subscription. b) must be related by law and should not include non related friends. c) do not necessarily have to live at the same address or have the same surname. d) will have full members rights. e) will not receive the Society magazine. f) under the age of 10 years are free.